Today I rented Idiocracy, starring Luke Wilson, Maya Rudolph, and Dax Shepard. You won't find many copies at your local Blockbuster, because it's not an incredibly popular movie.
The movie begins with showing the viewer a common man (Luke Wilson) who works on a military base. He's not stupid, but he's not very smart, either. As part of an army experiment, he is placed in a freezer along with the only woman they could find, a prostitute (Maya Rudolph). Unfortunately, the military base goes under, and they are forgotten until about 500 years later. As a result of a garbage landslide, their freezers are opened, and they are released into the future. As the movie explains, throughout history, stupid, white trashy people had too many kids. Also, people with high IQ's do not have any, so the world has turned into a complete dumb biosphere. Pretty much everyone in the world seems to have a slight form of retardation. When they test Luke Wilson (by having him put a square peg in a square hole, add 2 + 1, etc), they find that he's the smartest guy in the world. As a result, they make him fix their problems, and he becomes president. It is a completely satirical film, but really makes you think about the future of humanity.
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