Sunday, May 6, 2007

Review: "Old Gregg"

Another one of my new favorite youtube videos is "Old Gregg," a six minute dose of sheer confusion. It follows a fisherman who catches some type of half man, half fish. The manfish eventually falls for the man who caught him, and takes him back to his place (not before showing him his "downstairs mixup", the one are of the video I fast forward through). While at his place, Gregg shows the man everything he has in his cavern, which he says is filled with "all things that are good." It's ridiculously random, but very funny. After watching the video, I learned that this is just a small part of a series that a british comedy group filmed. The group, called "The Mighty Boosh," based his character on Rick James (at least according to wikipedia). All in all, it's really a funny film.

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