Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Review: CSI:Vegas

CSI is a show that has held my attention since my forensics teacher first showed it to us in 11th grade. I fell in love with the characters and relationships. Warrick Brown, Gil Grissom, Sarah Sidle, Nick Stokes, and Catherine Willows all come together to form a truly solid cast. In recent months, I have heard much debate on whether or not CSI: Miami is better or worse than the original, Vegas. I fought very hard about Vegas being better, until I caught a show recently. I was appauled at what was being shown. A man shoots himself in the head, and the viewer sees everything, from a window behind him. It was so disgusting. Also, we see a man behead a woman, skin her, and mount her skin like a deer head. I was shocked at what was allowed to be on a regular television show. Maybe Miami is a better show after all. To be reviewed next…

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