Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Review: Run's House

While writing these blog entries, an MTV show has been playing in the background. Run’s House, starring Rev Run and his family, is fairly entertaining. It’s another reality show, focusing on a family and their conflicts. In the show I watched, Run and his family experience a number of issues. One of his little boys, Russy, took to stealing stuff from his family and hiding it in his room. The family had a hard time finding where their stuff was, until they saw him take a few things. In order to get him to see that they knew he was lying, they set up a camera in his room. Then they all went into their movie theater in their house and watched the video as he hid things that he stole. He felt really bad, and gave everyone back their stuff. I think that was a proper way for the family to correct the issue. Although most reality shows are worthless, Run’s House may have a good point to it, if it continues to show good ways to parent children.

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